this is what it looks like without being manipulated by heat, in this picture I had just done a simple shampoo/condition, plaited it in four braids and let it air dry. see how it lacks a curl pattern?
as of today, i haven't pressed/flatironed my hair in seven weeks, that is an accomplishment for me. right now, my tentative plan is to continue to have a no heat regimen until my 21st birthday, august 19, when i will allow myself to flat iron my hair. i'm not sure if i will be going to the the salon, or doing it myself yet. right now, i'm leaning toward doing it myself. who's going to take better care of my own hair than me?
at this point in my journey, new, undamaged hair is starting to make it's presence and i'm LOVING IT. i'm tempted to do my BC right now, but i know that i would regret it. i had an old jar of kinky curly curling custard laying around my bathroom and decided to see what it would do to my new growth. the results? LOVED IT. this will definitely be a staple after my BC.
i'm sure you'll do well on your transition :)