Friday, December 25, 2009

We all make resolutions for the new year, but how about HAIR resolutions? Do you have any? For 2010 I vow to:

Continue with a solid vitamin regimen, not only for my hair growth, but overall well being as well.
Deep condition once a month (currently using Aubrey Organics mixed with olive and coconut oils)
Protein treatment once a month (currently using a mix of v05 moisture milks, one egg, mayonnaise, olive and coconut oils)
ALWAYS have my hair covered or wrapped while at home, if no one is seeing me, there's no sense in having it out!
Drink at least 64 oz of water daily
Wear more protective styles

What are yours?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

End of the year update!

I did the cellophane rinse +flat iron like I stated in a previous update, and I must say i'm loving the end result. The cellophane gives just a hint of red when i'm in the sunlight, nothing too dramatic which is perfect for the change I was craving. It didn't show up at all in pictures, but I will try again to capture it. I decided to place two of my pictures next to each other to see if I could see a difference in the health and length of my hair, and I definitely do! Do you see it?




Sunday, December 13, 2009

hair update!

While I still haven't completely given up the flat iron, I am making progress toward my goal! I've only been flat ironing once a month & bunning it up when it's not flat ironed. I've also started taking vitamins again to assist in health hair growth and it seems to be helping! My hair is definitely breaking less and i'm beginning to see length again! I'm getting a cellophane treatment + flat iron later this week so I will be back with pictures in a few days!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Favorite Blogs

Two posts, two days in a row? I'm on a roll! Anyways, I just wanted to take a quick minute to share some of the blogs that I frequent, maybe they will be interesting to some of my readers!

Fashion Blogs
Megan Catfish (also has great vegan and vegetarian recipes!)

Hair Blogs

and finally, Sincerely Bethany which is my big sister's blog, she writes about anything and everything!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

new directions

I think i'm going to expand this blog to other things such as vegetarian recipes (today marks my second month meat free!) and maybe even fashion. Stay tuned!

Friday, October 23, 2009

back again!

So, the last time I blogged on here was over a month ago...not good! I need to get into the habit of updating at least once a week.

I'm kind of stuck in a rut as far as my hair goes right now, i'm not happy with it and it's not happy with me. I've been consistently straightening (with a pressing comb/flat iron) for the past two months and my hair is extremely dry and brittle and is suffering from extreme breakage. While I love the straight look, it is time to get serious again about hair care and give it up for a while. My goal for 2009 was to be at the top of BSL, but with the way things are going, i'll be happy to be at full APL. I'm thinking of either getting a full sew in or braids to give my hair a rest, leaning more toward the sew in though.

Until then, i'm going to revamp my hair routine. I'm going to moisturize with Karen's Body Beautiful hair milk, seal with coconut oil and rotate "oiling" my scalp with coconut and olive oil. I will also be deep conditioning every other week with my Aubrey Organics as well as protein treatments as needed.

I will let you all know how it goes!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

FINALLY an update!

It's been a while, and I apologize. I took several trips out of town, celebrated my birthday, and now school has started so my blog has been neglected. I am back though! As I stated previously, I planned on straightening my hair for my birthday, and I'm not sure on how good of an idea that was because i've been wearing it in straight styles since. I'm definitely going to give my hair a much needed break from all of the heat soon though.

My hair is in the healthiest state it's been in since childhood, and I am proud of myself. All of the weekly deep conditioning,protein treatments, and going THREE MONTHS without heat are paying off. My hair is sitting at the top of APL right now, my original goal was full APL but hair anorexia has set it and I no longer see APL as "long" hair. My new goal is BSL. I hope to be there by early next year. Here are some recent pictures

After blowdrying, before flat iron. I thought I looked like a mad woman and wanted to capture the moment! You can see how thick my hair is here.
I know the straight shot isn't the greatest, but it's the best out of the photos I took. I'll take a better one next time.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I just wanted to give an update on the situation from earlier. The tea tree oil/mane and tail detangler did aid a lot in me being able to comb out some of my matted hair. If it weren't for it I probably would have ended up even more frustrated and definitely would have taken scissors to my hair. After thinking about it, I realized what all went wrong.

I have learned this is an absolute no no for me. I read on the lovely Curly Nikki's blog that she maintains her curly hair by simply sleeping on a satin pillow case. Out of sheer laziness I attempted this, and let's just say I will never try it again. What works for one may not work for another!
2. Accidentally shampooing my hair
I purchased a new bottle of v05 moisture milks and applied it to my hair to deep condition. I noticedthe consistency was different, but didn't think much about it. An hour or two later I looked at the bottle and realized...I had put shampoo in my hair! The result? DRY DRY DRY hair
3. Going 5+ days without detangling
I'm learning that detangling is a must for naturals, and my dummy self went over a week without doing it!

Needless to say, I have learned my lesson and I hope that none of you will make the mistakes I did.

I am currently deep conditioning my hair with Aubrey Organics Island Naturals conditioner (lovely scent, try it out!) and will then style my hair in a braid out with flexi rods on the ends. Hopefully, everything will turn out okay! I'll try to post pictures of it tomorrow!
I made one of the biggest mistakes a natural can make, going a week without detangling, and my hair is hating me for it right now. It is matted beyond belief, breaking like crazy, and i've already had to cut out several knots. Right now my hair is soaking in tea tree oil and detangler, i'm hoping that it will loosen the matts and and make it easier for me to comb through. After that I may follow with a protein treatment. This is so frustrating. I'm even contemplating flat ironing my hair today, even though I promised myself I wouldn't until my birthday (August 19)

Monday, August 10, 2009

I know I promised an update with pictures of the results of my intense deep conditioning session, but what can I has kept me busy these last few days. I took this picture of my new growth today, i'm loving it so much! I can't wait till i'm 100% natural with NO heat damaged hair again.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

dry hair, oh no!

My hair has been feeling extra dry and hard lately (most likely due to protein overload), so I decided it was time for an intense deep conditioning session. I mixed Aubrey Organics HoneySuckle Rose conditioner with olive and coconut oil, then covered with a shower cap. I plan on letting it sit for at least four hours. After I rinse I will follow with an ACV (apple cider vinegar) rinse. Hopefully, this will do the trick! I will let you guys know the results in the morning.

Chris Rock's "Good Hair"

what are your thoughts? I personally, can't want wait to see it! And I also must add, I am so thankful my mother never let me get a relaxer, seeing what it did to that soda can made me shudder!

Monday, August 3, 2009

armpit length?!?!

I was moisturizing my hair last night when I realized...I think i've officially made APL (arm pit length) my goal was to make it by my birthday (august 19) so i'm a little bit ahead of schedule! it's hard to see my actual length since my hair isn't straigtened, so for now this picture will have to do. what do you guys think?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

this is my hair as of march 2009, it appears healthy, but it actually heat damaged beyond belief.


this is what it looks like without being manipulated by heat, in this picture I had just done a simple shampoo/condition, plaited it in four braids and let it air dry. see how it lacks a curl pattern?


as of today, i haven't pressed/flatironed my hair in seven weeks, that is an accomplishment for me. right now, my tentative plan is to continue to have a no heat regimen until my 21st birthday, august 19, when i will allow myself to flat iron my hair. i'm not sure if i will be going to the the salon, or doing it myself yet. right now, i'm leaning toward doing it myself. who's going to take better care of my own hair than me?

at this point in my journey, new, undamaged hair is starting to make it's presence and i'm LOVING IT. i'm tempted to do my BC right now, but i know that i would regret it. i had an old jar of kinky curly curling custard laying around my bathroom and decided to see what it would do to my new growth. the results? LOVED IT. this will definitely be a staple after my BC.

This blog will be chronicling my journey back to having natural hair. I've never had a relaxer, however i've been a pressed natural for the last nine years or so, resulting in me loosing almost all of my natural curl pattern. After reading other natural blogs such as and, I too wanted to "transition" and finally see what my natural curl pattern looked like. So again, welcome! It's sure to be an interesting journey.