It's been a while, and I apologize. I took several trips out of town, celebrated my birthday, and now school has started so my blog has been neglected. I am back though! As I stated previously, I planned on straightening my hair for my birthday, and I'm not sure on how good of an idea that was because i've been wearing it in straight styles since. I'm definitely going to give my hair a much needed break from all of the heat soon though.
My hair is in the healthiest state it's been in since childhood, and I am proud of myself. All of the weekly deep conditioning,protein treatments, and going THREE MONTHS without heat are paying off. My hair is sitting at the top of APL right now, my original goal was full APL but hair anorexia has set it and I no longer see APL as "long" hair. My new goal is BSL. I hope to be there by early next year. Here are some recent pictures
After blowdrying, before flat iron. I thought I looked like a mad woman and wanted to capture the moment! You can see how thick my hair is here.
I know the straight shot isn't the greatest, but it's the best out of the photos I took. I'll take a better one next time.